Remembering Snow Days

When I woke up this morning to a light coat of snow outlining the trees and roads, I was reminded of a simpler time in my life. A happier time, I suppose. I was remembering snow days, and I remember them fondly. Both my childhood and my children’s childhood. They were magical days full of endless possibilities whether the magic took place indoors or outdoors. Yes, it was a day to reflect because time seemed to stand still amid the

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Finding His Way Back to College

The news flash arrived a few weeks ago. My son would be returning to his college campus for his senior year. After five and a half months of unexpected time at home, he will be gone. With the snap of a finger. Poof. Just like that. And unless you have been living under a rock, you realize there is much speculation about the next step for…almost everything. Which includes the status of colleges and the return of their students under

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I Moved My Son to NYC: I Didn’t Get a Photo But I Got a Hug Once again, I am thrilled and excited to be published on the parenting site, this time featuring my article on 'launching' my son into NYC for his summer internship. In this repost, the article appears here as it does on the Grown and Flown site. If you haven't had the opportunity to read it yet, please take a moment as we can all relate to the struggle of preparing for the launch.

Preparing to Launch: Getting Your Kids, and Yourself, Ready

Launch is my new buzz word. If I whisper the word launch once a day, I’ve announced it at least ten times.   As in:  I’m getting ready to launch this, or that is about to launch, or have you seen the new launch of such and such?  It’s a hot word, and I’m going to overuse it until it’s no longer in vogue. Plus, launch sounds sophisticated, announcing that something exciting is going to happen, the word just rolling off

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My Nest is Empty, But They Still Keep Coming Home

We must have done something right. Somewhere between bringing the babies home from the hospital and sending pre-adults off to college, we did at least one thing right.  That’s an expansive amount of time – eighteen years to be exact – in which to make mistakes, to try to correct the mistakes, and then to make mistakes all over again.  In fact, it is too much time NOT to make mistakes and to hopefully be forgiven for parenting mishaps made

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I am tired, eternally and forever tired.  Fatigued beyond belief.  Without excuses, don’t-want-to-get-out-of-bed tired.  On a good day, I’m up and moving by 7:30 a.m.; on a bad day, I get up at 7 a.m. to feed the pets and go back to bed. For  three  more  hours.  What? How could I possibly need that much sleep?  Why I am suddenly so exhausted? Back up a bit to realize I’ve also become a bit of a night owl.  Watching TV

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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