I spent the day reveling in my own happiness, clicking my heels together in a somebody-pinch-me-please moment. I had been waiting, anticipating, this very moment. Finally, it was time. My house was alive again with noise and laughter and conversation and TV and Xbox and stinky socks. My kitchen was abuzz with the hum of the dishwasher, the beep of the timer on the oven, the purr of a fully stocked refrigerator, and the opening and closing of cabinets in …
Blog Posts
I am tired, eternally and forever tired. Fatigued beyond belief. Without excuses, don’t-want-to-get-out-of-bed tired. On a good day, I’m up and moving by 7:30 a.m.; on a bad day, I get up at 7 a.m. to feed the pets and go back to bed. For three more hours. What? How could I possibly need that much sleep? Why I am suddenly so exhausted? Back up a bit to realize I’ve also become a bit of a night owl. Watching TV …
I am fortunate to be surrounded by empowered women, all day long. In one form or another, I am surrounded by these beautiful souls from all walks of my life. The day starts with the empowered warriors from the gym. These women are newer to my life but just as treasured. Some I know by name, others by a simple smile, but we all have one thing in common: our commitment to sound bodies and minds. They take control of …
My apologies to the Internet and other bloggers in advance. What you don’t need is one more stay-at-home mom jotting down random thoughts about her day, yet here I am, jotting down random thoughts about what I am most familiar, being a stay-at-home mom. No, I won’t go on about my fourteen well-spent years on the soccer sidelines or my organizational skills at running a household and several schedules simultaneously all while volunteering at school or my top ten list …