Holy Matrimony, Batman! The Emergency Room Incident

Warning: This story is not for the faint-of-heart and contains some slight, graphic detail. It is, however, much to the author’s chagrin, a true story. Proceed at your own discretion. There is nothing like a trip to the Emergency Room, on a Saturday night, no less, to bring a couple together. Talk about your perfect bonding experience. The day started pleasantly and productively with no indication that the evening would end with cross words, wounded pride, and hurt feelings. But

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I am My Mother’s Daughter…or am I?

For as long as I can remember, people have told me that I look just like my mother. It happened again today via a Facebook post for her birthday. Someone who has never met my mother commented on how ‘you look just like your mother!’ I have heard it before and have always worn that compliment with pride. I have admired my mother forever, modeling myself after her kind, gentle demeanor, trying to be as patient and accepting of people

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Was It All About the Food?

For decades sociologists, psychologists, and regular folks like me have been trying to discern the differences between men and women: why do we have different interests, what is up with these archaic stereotypes, basically, what makes us tick in opposition to one another? American comedian Rob Becker may have explained it best in his one-man act “Defending the Caveman” which premiered in June 1991. As newlyweds, we attended his show and have ever since referenced women as the gatherers and

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The Art of Being Late

“I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date,” lamented the White Rabbit in Disney’s original version of “Alice in Wonderland,” released in 1951. I have not seen any of the newer versions, so I cannot say for sure if the same line or song was repeated in subsequent incarnations of this childhood classic, but the lyrics have stayed with me for, well, forever. This movie was not my favorite of the Disney classics, but this mantra was difficult to

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I Stand Corrected (Road Rage Addendum)

Thank you very much, avid subscribers! Recently, two astute readers undertook some research on my behalf because they found the subject matter so intriguing their inquiring minds needed to know the answer. So, it is at this juncture in today’s post that ‘I Stand Corrected’ as I share the findings of these inquisitive scholars… If you read my post from June 29, “Road Rage in the ‘burbs,” you may recall I discussed a mishap at a five-way intersection involving a

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Road Rage in the ‘burbs

Wait for Green. The sign clearly states it. Wait. For. Green. It cannot be interpreted any other way. No sign is posted that reads: Please Proceed with Caution, or Thank You for Waiting, or Warning: Five Way Intersection. It is meant for all drivers to abide by this rule, no exceptions. Wait for Green. Stated conversely: No Turn on Red. However, the driver behind me at the red light on this particular day DID interpret the words differently and did

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I am tired, eternally and forever tired.  Fatigued beyond belief.  Without excuses, don’t-want-to-get-out-of-bed tired.  On a good day, I’m up and moving by 7:30 a.m.; on a bad day, I get up at 7 a.m. to feed the pets and go back to bed. For  three  more  hours.  What? How could I possibly need that much sleep?  Why I am suddenly so exhausted? Back up a bit to realize I’ve also become a bit of a night owl.  Watching TV

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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