The Best Gift Given

She smiles softly to herself as she looks out the window at her boys playing in the yard. It’s her favorite time of day, just after dinner yet still daylight in the early summer evenings. The boys are fueled from dinner and ready for another round of outdoor time. Soon it will be baths, books, and bedtime. Each boy will pick a book – or two – and take turns in “the lap,” as they call it. She loves when

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Remembering Snow Days

When I woke up this morning to a light coat of snow outlining the trees and roads, I was reminded of a simpler time in my life. A happier time, I suppose. I was remembering snow days, and I remember them fondly. Both my childhood and my children’s childhood. They were magical days full of endless possibilities whether the magic took place indoors or outdoors. Yes, it was a day to reflect because time seemed to stand still amid the

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How I Survived Middle School 3 Times

While we may not be ready for our kids to head back to school just yet, my heart goes out to those who are either eagerly or anxiously anticipating the start of middle school. Those formidable years when you are not a kid anymore yet you are not quite an adult either. A bit early to be considered a tweener but oh-so anxious to enter the next phase of life. While middle school is arguably one of the most challenging

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What Happened to Decorum???

This article appeared in last week’s Main Line Neighbors (West) weekly online newsletter. It is fun to write for such a large audience of my ‘neighbors!’ As always, enjoy! WHAT HAPPENED TO DECORUM?….ON THE MAIN LINE What ever happened to decorum? BY JACKIE (aka Scout)       Hi Neighbor! What ever happened to decorum? You know that pesky word defined as “behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety.” Basically, manners and respect. In this instance, I am specifically referring to how we

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How to Redefine the Cold Call for the Current Generation

What’s up with the “cold call?” How has this decades-old term taken on new meaning as defined by today’s generation? Evidently the meaning, or, er, understanding, has changed ever-so-slightly from when cold calls were legit, a real phenomenon – still annoying, but expected and accepted. So, in the spirit of how to redefine the Cold Call for the current generation so it is understood and respected by all (or at least attempted), here we go… The confusion over exactly what

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4 Ways I Embrace the Covid Containment with my Adult Children

No one said it would be easy. But no one said it would be this hard either. And no one could predict the length of time this formidable opponent would linger in our lives. Battling through these unprecedented times, I learned to cherish and embrace the Covid Containment time with my adult children. Yet here we are, a month shy of two full years of the Covid-19 Pandemic infiltrating our day-to-day existence in ways we did not anticipate. As a

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The Difference Between Boys and Girls: A Halloween Story

The discussion is not new. The observation is not revealing. Yet reflecting on the difference between boys and girls never ceases to fascinate me. Especially when these long-tested stereotypes played out in our driveway on Halloween. So, here is my Halloween Story of 2021, featuring The Difference Between Boys and Girls: The demographics in our neighborhood have changed since we moved in fourteen years ago. Typically on Halloween the kids Trick-or-Treating flood the streets, running from door to door to

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Letting Go is Never Easy; This Time It’s for Real

Letting go is never easy, and this time around it was going to be rough. I could hear the excitement in my son’s voice. It was the first time in an exceptionally long time – six months at least – that I heard this amount of energy from this stoic young man. It pained me and pleased me simultaneously. Such a mixed bag of emotions, not at all unfamiliar to me, but here I was grappling with them again. The

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Finding His Way Back to College

The news flash arrived a few weeks ago. My son would be returning to his college campus for his senior year. After five and a half months of unexpected time at home, he will be gone. With the snap of a finger. Poof. Just like that. And unless you have been living under a rock, you realize there is much speculation about the next step for…almost everything. Which includes the status of colleges and the return of their students under

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What Mothers Really Want for Mother’s Day

Okay, Mothers, one of our favorite holidays is around the corner, and it will be one more holiday spent in isolation during quarantine. However, if you are fortunate like me, it will be the first time in several years when my offspring will be celebrating at home. Fantastic! And with that, Happy Mother’s Day to all! It is truly one of the two days all year when I take ‘a pass,’ meaning I excuse myself from typical stay-at-home mom duties

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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