I Have Much Yet to Learn

I have had a life changing experience, one I may never get over. I will be thinking about this experience for months to come, relishing in what I have learned, which is, basically, I have much yet to learn. Yes, even at my age. There is so much more knowledge begging to be acquired, and while I feel I am running out of time, I also know it’s not too late to begin. Still, urgency remains in my desire to

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Do the People Who Know Us Longest Know Us the Best?

Do the people who know us the the longest know us the best? This question has been rattling around in my head for a few years now. While I haven’t put it to task in my writing until today, I know the reason that spurred my contemplation. A few years ago when I was going through my divorce, my childhood friend, my first ever friend, reached out to me. Her brother still keeps in touch with my brother, and they

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I Cried Last Night

I cried last night. I was preparing a picture collage for my aunt’s 90th birthday, and while this in and of itself is cause for celebration, I cried while creating this masterpiece for what it represented beyond a milestone birthday. The pictures did not include images of myself but represented the adult life of my aunt as I remember it. Beautiful pictures, some black and white, some with a person’s head chopped out of the frame, some with family members

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My Hairdresser Made Me Cry

Yes, dear readers, you heard that right. After close to twenty years of coloring and styling my hair, my hairdresser made me cry. I have sat in her chair countless times for many occasions; monthly cut and color, graduations, just-because-it’s-a-Friday blowouts. But never before has my hairdresser made me cry. Truth be told, it was not her fault. I brought a bunch of baggage with me to the salon that day. I was sitting on a time bomb of emotions,

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Keeping Up with the 40-Somethings at the Gym

I am a gym rat, through and through. I am all in for the endorphin rush, the building of muscle mass and bone density, especially at my age. And, I thrive on the competition within myself as I strive to be better, faster, stronger. Typically, I go about my workout quietly, albeit sweaty, just minding my own business. In my mind, I am keeping up with the 40-somethings at the gym…until I realized, in fact, I am not. The realization

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How to Fail at Dry January

I have failed at several things in my life:  making the cheerleading squad in high school, playing the political game in jobs I held early in my career, my marriage, to name a few. But, I have to say, I have never felt more disappointed in myself than in my efforts to attempt Dry January this year. Epic failure. Like, barely made it out of the gate, fell flat on my face failure. I am the poster child for How

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How to Wear a Sports Bra to the Gym Today

What’s up with the sports bra?  To be more specific, what’s up with the sports bra appearing here, there, and everywhere? For example, women at the gym wear sports bras. Yet somehow, currently it is En vogue to wear the sports bra alone, not underneath a shirt as this writer believes was originally intended. Oh, the scandal! So, how should women wear a sports bra to the gym today? Or rather, how is it being worn today? Let me clarify.

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A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Mall

A funny thing happened on my way to the mall. Well, truthfully, it all unfolded when I actually got into the mall, but I was harboring my angst the entire 7.5-mile drive. I am not sure what I was most anxious about, parking, shopping, or the entire outing. But I persevered and ended up with a story. First, I do not make a habit of going to the mall unless out of real necessity. So for me to meander to

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The Hidden Inspiration of a Writer: I See Words

(Conversations, Confessions, and Conundrums with Scout) I see words. Kind of like the boy in the movie The Sixth Sense, only he saw dead people. Instead, my gift is this: I see words. In the form of sentences that take on meaning that become stories. My stories. Observations. Of what I do, where I go, what I experience. For inexplicable reasons, they never seem to stop but just keep coming. Ferociously, feverishly, constantly. It is a good thing, right? Or

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How to be a Good Rule Follower: Wear The Mask

Normally I am not one to rant or stand on my soap box spewing forth opinions about hot topics in the news and in our news feeds. But after several sightings and close encounters, I became undone. Today I am unleashing my rant: Wear the Mask. Follow the rules, people. No one is above this pandemic, so follow the dang rules. And by rules, I mean, “WEAR THE MASK.” You literally must be living in a cave not to see

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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