Writer’s Block for the Ages

Writer’s Block: It Happens to the Best of Us

The words use to come daily. Freely. A flow. A flood. A gush of tumbling water.

A free flow. A flashflood. A terrific torrent of words tumbling across the page.

A gift. Taken for granted.

The ideas from within. The ideas from without.

No more. Dried up like an abandoned well.

Purpose. Constantly searching for purpose. A point. A reason. Some value.

A point to make. A reason to believe. Value in the written word.

Painstakingly searching for those allusive words.

Pen to paper once. Fingers to keyboard. Think, create, go, go, go.

Unleash. Unwind. Unfinished business.

Find an opportunity to be heard. Create an opportunity to be heard.

Don’t stop there.

Ponder. Push. Plug-away and the answer will be revealed.

There is more to share. There is more to say. There is more to come.

I am not finished yet.

This little ditty was created out of frustration and from an online class writing prompt. As with all written words, it was cathartic to express the feeling of the moment: despair at NOT being able to put together a story, an idea, a creation. But by partaking in helpful lunches, conversations, and encouragements with friends who are willing to both listen and nourish, I am getting back on track. Be patient with me as I am learning patience with myself. Stay tuned. New material coming soon…In the mean time, take a moment to read one of my all time favorites about reflecting on becoming a mom twenty-four years ago today! The Quiet that Came Before – scribingwithscout

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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