From the Bottom of My Beach Bag

Summer 2023 Edition As the summer sadly comes to a close, I once again shuffle through the remnants from the bottom of my beach bag. Alas, this is what I find in this bottomless bag: the obligatory, almost-empty sunscreen bottle, the sticky popsicle wrapper left over from a refreshing treat, seashells crumbled into broken pieces, and sand, sand, everywhere. But the best finds are what come from the bottom of my beach bag, well-worn pages of new favorite books waiting

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8 Summer Best Sellers and Beach Reads

From the Bottom of My Beach Bag, Summer 2021 Edition It is time to clean out the coveted beach bag once again. Although we had more freedom this summer than last, it was refreshing to explore in person. However, we can still set aside time to seek adventures between the pages of this summer’s top best sellers. And what will we find at ‘the bottom of my beach bag?’ Favorite authors and genres which allow us to indulge in a

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From the Bottom of My Beach Bag: Summer 2020

While it feels as if the summer got off to an earlier start due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are no complaints from my world. A quicker start to sunny days simply meant more time for beach reading! In reality, my ‘summer’ reading began back in April when we all found ourselves at home with extra time to indulge in some guilty pleasure reading. One of the perks to emerge from our quarantined months. Thus, the flow into actual summertime

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The Bottom of My Beach Bag

Closing out the end of the summer is never easy, but along with some sand, a few chipped seashells, and an almost-empty tube of suntan lotion, my beach bag is practically empty since I completed my summer reading list!  Go me! Summer truly is a great season for reading, and this summer-in-the-sun, I added a few new favorite books I am thrilled to share, just in case you are pining for a new page turner. Here are my Top Four

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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