I Cried Last Night

I cried last night. I was preparing a picture collage for my aunt’s 90th birthday, and while this in and of itself is cause for celebration, I cried while creating this masterpiece for what it represented beyond a milestone birthday. The pictures did not include images of myself but represented the adult life of my aunt as I remember it. Beautiful pictures, some black and white, some with a person’s head chopped out of the frame, some with family members

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My Mom is Cooler Than Your Mom

Listen, friends. My mom is cooler than your mom, and I am here to prove it. This isn’t a challenge. It is a fact, so game on. Sure, we all feel that way about our mothers; proud, protective, possessive. We have learned our best qualities from them, naturally, whether it be working, baking, or friend-making. They have their strengths, and in turn, they passed them on to us. I mean, hey, these octogenarians taught us how to be moms, so

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My Family is Eating Turkey Dinner on Paper Plates

Because life is not chaotic enough, I thought it would be fun to host Thanksgiving dinner a week before I move. One last hurrah. Insane, right? And because I did not have enough madness surrounding me this year (note of sarcasm…), I thought it would be the perfect time to create a new tradition. A tradition in which my family finds themselves eating Turkey Dinner on Paper Plates. Now, haters do not hate. And judgers, do not judge. I have

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How to Redefine the Cold Call for the Current Generation

What’s up with the “cold call?” How has this decades-old term taken on new meaning as defined by today’s generation? Evidently the meaning, or, er, understanding, has changed ever-so-slightly from when cold calls were legit, a real phenomenon – still annoying, but expected and accepted. So, in the spirit of how to redefine the Cold Call for the current generation so it is understood and respected by all (or at least attempted), here we go… The confusion over exactly what

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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