Coffee with Your Conversations, Confessions, and Conundrums 

Friends and fans, Scribing with Scout is thrilled to announce some “merch” you can order right here, right now. If you are craving your morning cup of coffee with some of Scout’s Conversations, Confessions, and Conundrums, you will want to sip it from an exclusively designed Scribing with Scout coffee mug. Once you make your purchase, take the Scribing with Scout Challenge by snapping a photo with your mug put to good use, post it on your social media page,

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Here I Go Again

With little warning and not much fanfare, I am thrilled to announce the relaunch of scribingwithscout.  Here’s the scoop:  Readers will continue to be entertained and intrigued with familiar, thoughtful insights; additionally, they will be treated to a fresh look and a more user-friendly site; throw in a few minor bells and whistles, and…ta-da!  Scout is back, recording life according to her. I am grateful to family and friends who have encouraged and supported me to continue with this endeavor

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Welcome to scribingwithscout

My apologies to the Internet and other bloggers in advance.  What you don’t need is one more stay-at-home mom jotting down random thoughts about her day, yet here I am, jotting down random thoughts about what I am most familiar, being a stay-at-home mom.  No, I won’t go on about my fourteen well-spent years on the soccer sidelines or my organizational skills at running a household and several schedules simultaneously all while volunteering at school or my top ten list

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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