Otis: Safe at Home

Good news, friends, neighbors, avid Scout readers, and dog lovers alike.  Exactly a week to the day following the “Great Otis Chase,” I had a random encounter with Otis’ mom, so I was able to put the event to rest and sleep better at night finally being able to tell her Otis was indeed a good boy. This past Sunday, I was walking my two plume-tailed Golden retrievers on the exact same route as the previous week.  We were almost

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The Great Otis Chase

This is a nod to a childhood picture book I used to read to my boys called “The Great Gracie Chase:  Stop that Dog!”  It made us laugh every time we read it! No good deed goes unturned, or so I’ve been told. Random acts of kindness can be payed forward, or so I believe. Sometimes stepping in to assist others works in my favor, sometime not so much. Like the time I attempted to help an elderly gentleman out

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The Voice of Reason

I’m an excitable, anxious person. My calm exterior fools many, but inside, I’m a bundle of nerves, my metabolism churning at the speed of light as I breath through the daily stress called life. This relaxed façade is something I taught myself over the years: how to control my anxiety, be patient, stay calm. I’ve had years of practice and am pleased to say my hyper-self is somewhat under control. Which is why it should come as no surprise when

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It’s not often that I cry. When I was younger, significant moments always generated tears: good-byes, both long and short; songs, both sweet and sad; post-party blues, both thrilling and tedious. The good-byes struck me particularly hard; long, drawn-out sobs with no-end-in-sight. Eventually, I trained myself to breathe through the hyperventilating. This technique worked so well that today, I barely shed a tear. Ironically, it’s sad that I don’t cry more often. The tears have long been bottled up. Until

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Was It All About the Food?

For decades sociologists, psychologists, and regular folks like me have been trying to discern the differences between men and women: why do we have different interests, what is up with these archaic stereotypes, basically, what makes us tick in opposition to one another? American comedian Rob Becker may have explained it best in his one-man act “Defending the Caveman” which premiered in June 1991. As newlyweds, we attended his show and have ever since referenced women as the gatherers and

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Road Rage in the ‘burbs

Wait for Green. The sign clearly states it. Wait. For. Green. It cannot be interpreted any other way. No sign is posted that reads: Please Proceed with Caution, or Thank You for Waiting, or Warning: Five Way Intersection. It is meant for all drivers to abide by this rule, no exceptions. Wait for Green. Stated conversely: No Turn on Red. However, the driver behind me at the red light on this particular day DID interpret the words differently and did

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I should have an undergraduate degree in laundry. I’ve spent more time in my laundry room than all the classrooms throughout my entire educated life combined. I don’t pretend to be an expert by any means, and I critique myself harshly without making the necessary changes, but I’m efficient and effective, if nothing else. And at the end of the day – or the week – it will all eventually get done. If I had to grade myself, I would

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Empowered Women

I am fortunate to be surrounded by empowered women, all day long. In one form or another, I am surrounded by these beautiful souls from all walks of my life. The day starts with the empowered warriors from the gym.  These women are newer to my life but just as treasured.  Some I know by name, others by a simple smile, but we all have one thing in common:  our commitment to sound bodies and minds.  They take control of

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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