Otis: Safe at Home

Back Where He Belongs

Good news, friends, neighbors, avid Scout readers, and dog lovers alike.  Exactly a week to the day following the “Great Otis Chase,” I had a random encounter with Otis’ mom, so I was able to put the event to rest and sleep better at night finally being able to tell her Otis was indeed a good boy.

This past Sunday, I was walking my two plume-tailed Golden retrievers on the exact same route as the previous week.  We were almost to the exact same spot where we first encountered Otis when my dogs decided to relieve themselves in someone’s Liriope.  As I patiently waited, a car stopped, facing us, also patiently waiting for us to move on. 

As random occurrences keep happening in my day-to-day life, the driver seemed to be waiting to pull in to the driveway where my dogs were keeping themselves “busy.” Slightly embarrassed, I gave her a friendly nod and was on my way.  Except suddenly, my path was blocked by her car as she pulled partially into the driveway and rolled down her window.  Were we in trouble for using the edge of her property as a public toilet?  Was she going to scold me for letting the dogs linger among her Liriope?  Was she going to ask me for directions?

 No, none of the above. Turns out this was in fact her driveway.  And yes, she did have something to tell me. 

It was Otis’ mom, and she had been waiting to meet me, simply to say thanks.

The timing was perfect, couldn’t have been better actually, and we both found comfort in reliving the adventure.

As I listened to her side of the story, I was dismayed to learn that Otis was only approximately two houses away from his own home when we encountered him a week ago.  Instead of playing it safe, this adventurous pup joined us for the now infamous “walk around the block.” On that particular day, he snuck out an open gate, and the rest is forever history.

Otis’ mom and I lamented over the police officer’s anti-heroic’s and how we wish it had gone down differently, we agonized over how Otis was misunderstood under the mistaken identity circumstance that occurred, and we rejoiced in his homecoming and eventual safety in his flight homeward.

Luckily, the good news continues.  While my dogs did not get to frolic with Otison this Sunday, he could be heard barking from inside the safety of his home.  His mommy is in the process of getting him his own ‘dog tag’ to thwart any more mistaken identity crisis in the neighborhood.  And…I met another neighbor who is also a gentle dog-lover. Thank you, Otis!  I knew you were indeed a good boy.

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Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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