The Hidden Inspiration of a Writer: I See Words

(Conversations, Confessions, and Conundrums with Scout)

Seeking solace while searching for new
conversations, confessions, and conundrums…and words.

I see words.

Kind of like the boy in the movie The Sixth Sense, only he saw dead people.

Instead, my gift is this: I see words. In the form of sentences that take on meaning that become stories. My stories. Observations. Of what I do, where I go, what I experience.

For inexplicable reasons, they never seem to stop but just keep coming. Ferociously, feverishly, constantly.

It is a good thing, right? Or should I say, “Write!” as in, “Get to it before my mind explodes.”

I have the ability to observe everyday occurrences which may appear nonexistent to the normal eye yet give me fervor. Add a little spice, mix in a personal touch and Poof! There it is…

I want – no I need – to tell you a story. I could do it every day, all day long.

The idea is garnered yet needs time to cultivate.

And so, the process continues. By letting the words unfold on the page before me while my mind and fingers work in tandem to get the thoughts down quickly, ever-so-quickly before they escape me. Simply put, there is so much to share.

Fortunately, there is a story happening around us every day, all the time; identify it, create it, and, in turn, post it.

Next, the results. Incredibly fulfilling. Whether you read it or not, although I hope you do, it is cathartic to share so you can relate and partake in the experience, go on the journey, or simply tag along.

If you see me walking, lost in thought or perhaps taking a picture on my phone, shhhh….I am working. Forming those words into sentences, structuring what is to come next. Fresh ideas. Flexing new muscles. It is coming together now…inspire me.

This is my conversation. Words of an introvert on a piece of paper, meant to be read. There is something to say, ideas to discuss. Worthwhile. It is a conversation.

These are my confessions. Inner thoughts buzzing to life. A private person going public, daring to take a chance.

And now for the conundrum, a favorite word indeed. A puzzle, a problem…which, incidentally, leads to more conversation and further confessions. However, let the conundrum continue, for it must.

It is good.

I see words. May I never stop…

If you are yearning for earlier writings and inspirations from Scout, read The Great Otis Chase, inspired by a walk through the neighborhood with her beloved Golden retrievers. This one won’t disappoint!

If you are looking for some Fall Foliage Viewing check out Scout’s “day job” blog at Elementary Connections.

5 comments On The Hidden Inspiration of a Writer: I See Words

  • This maybe your best writing yet Jacquelyn!! It lets me “know” YOU after all these years!!


  • hey! first off i love the vocabulary used, conundrum is such a cooooollll word! second, i just envision a “feverishly” working Angela Lansbury typing her thoughts away while eating Twizzlers. You really capture your readers attention and hold them till the end. Please write a quick read~ compile all these stories into one book-, I will not be the only one to read those stories

  • Beautiful, intriguing and real, as always!

  • I love Valley Green and the Wissahickon. I wish I saw you there. God Bless

  • Sometimes it’s nice to return and remember. Stare at the hills of grass and see if the echos still return. Just for a moment, please? Let my heart beat again. Just for a moment, please?

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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