How to be a Good Rule Follower: Wear The Mask

Wear the Mask: It’s Required

Normally I am not one to rant or stand on my soap box spewing forth opinions about hot topics in the news and in our news feeds. But after several sightings and close encounters, I became undone. Today I am unleashing my rant: Wear the Mask.

Follow the rules, people. No one is above this pandemic, so follow the dang rules.

And by rules, I mean, “WEAR THE MASK.”

You literally must be living in a cave not to see people donned in the latest fashion trend every day, everywhere. The masks are for everyone, not just a chosen few.

Purchase A Mask

I remember way back in May when I sheepishly entered a store I knew was selling fashionable masks (translation: mask made in comfortable material and pretty colors). Slightly embarrassed, I stressed over the perfect face covering to suit me. The saleswoman kindly told me (translation: gave me permission to dawdle and decide) that masks were here to stay for the foreseeable future.

In the end, my selection was easy and lightweight for the summer. Never did I anticipate we would still be wearing them into the next season…yet here we are.

Retail outlets could not make it any easier; disposable masks can be purchased in just about any store you enter – pharmacies, grocery stores, hardware stores. But you do need to be wearing a mask to enter said store.

However, not everyone is united on this issue. The point is, not everyone is complying. Thus, my rant…

Wear the Mask

A few weeks ago, I had several simultaneous sightings of unmasked people among us. I was shocked-not shocked at the audacity of the daring, obviously privileged denizens meandering our streets boldly defying the rules.

For starters, the prima donna in the hair salon. She is the first person I spot when I enter because I could SEE her face AND clearly hear her voice because she was not wearing her facial camouflage. Everyone was whispering and staring. Never mind that the salon specifically sent a text reminder to each client before they arrived outlining the updated rules during Covid-19 which specifically mentioned masks. The rules clearly did not apply to her. Arghhhh….

Once my hair is colored and coiffed, I stop at my favorite convenient store for a vanilla iced coffee. This time, Mr. No-Mask decides to show up. I am at the checkout when Benjamin from behind the counter confidently and loudly reminds Mr. No-Mask that he does indeed need to be wearing a mask. In fact, Benjamin tells him it is the second day in a row he entered the establishment mask-less, and he is NOT going to tell him again…really?

Mr. No-Mask shrugs his shoulders and Benjamin gives him a paper towel to put over his face. I wanted to show up the next day to watch this guy plead ignorance for the third day in a row…I am certain his bad behavior will continue as long as he is granted access to the store.

A few days go by without incident. Now I am in the hardware store, and signs on the door tell all customers they must wear a mask to enter. It has become standard, a routine we can all adhere to under these not-so-normal times. But again, not everyone can follow instructions as a slightly older woman showed her bravado by entering without a protective veil and putting us all at risk.

A fellow customer quickly called her out, even stating that he did not work there but that she needed to be wearing a mask. She shrugged her shoulders, pretended to look in her bag for the missing mask, and then, did nothing. It is unbelievable. Yet it is not.

The madness continues. Just yesterday a friend posted on Facebook how she ventured to the mall after so many months in hibernation only to witness several mask-less faces. They must all share the same cave.

The Mask is Part of the New Normal

Initially, wearing a mask was simply safety precaution, not a fashion statement. I felt self-conscious entering a store in a masquerade. How will people hear me? I am a soft talker. How will they know I am smiling? I am a pleasant person.

I look silly. But then again, so did everyone else.

Flashforward several months, and I do not leave home without it. The only thought I have is, “Where’s my mask? I can’t go anywhere/get in anywhere/breathe without it!” No longer self-conscious, it is a habit. It can be a habit for everyone if they so choose to follow the rules.

Instead of one coveted mask that I was afraid to lose, I now have several. One in the car, one in my bag, one in my other bag…you get the drift. We need masks.

I am not arguing the benefits of donning the disguise or whether it is necessary. I am acknowledging that we all must comply, not just some people. We do not get to pick and choose here; and until it is a law, it is a rule to follow.

So, I circle back to my first encounter with a regular citizen who made herself a nonconformist of the rudest kind in the salon. My sweet, kind stylist leaned over and whispered to me, “Does she think we want to be in here all day working with a mask on?” Her point: we would all be more comfortable sans mask, yet here we are in a society that requires them for admission to their establishments.

I hope next time, for all our sakes, these elitists are denied entrance.

Wear the mask. It truly is that simple.

For some comfortable, breathable masks, try these Made to Move Masks from Athleta!

Don’t forget to wash your masks! Even though they protect us, they need to be clean. Check out some clean mask habits from Elementary Connections.

7 comments On How to be a Good Rule Follower: Wear The Mask

  • Wow!! Right on Jackie!!

  • Wear the damn mask people!!!! Not wearing one proves you are selfish….arrogant…and vain. We would have had this all in check by the end of June…if everyone had been humble and kind…and worn a mask, social distanced and used hand sanitizer as strongly suggested…
    Kristin Sachs Thompson…so looking forward to November 3. VOTE!!!!!! Your life depends on it!!!!!!

  • P.S. Jackie…you are rocking the mask!!!! And look the same as you did at age 5…minus the long pony tails….KST

  • Good one Jackie! You are right, we need to be humble and respectful. “:They must all share the same cave” Funny but true!!

  • I love reading all your different posts! I like my Athleta masks thanks to your suggestion.
    Everyone please wear a mask and wear it correctly. I hate seeing the mask on someone but it is below their nose!

  • elenanor and beatrice

    finally got around to reading this-well said. And for you only, because you know my story-wear your mask only over your face please!!!
    good one, kiddo- . let’s hope sooner then later we can see our smiles though😍

  • Couldn’t agree more! Not sure why establishments especially those that require you to be indoors for longer periods of time like salons are actually servicing the non masked people! If they want people to listen and follow the rules they need to stand by their words. They will eventually lose the customers that have come back. If they can’t be relied upon to enforce the rules they set forth which allows others to feel comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations we face these current days then it becomes a less trustworthy and more risky situation. Thanks for the awesome strong messaging!!!!

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

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