I Am the Voice for Those Who May Feel Silence

There is beauty within silence
I am the voice for those who are silenced

I am the voice for those less spoken

Just listen

We have something to say
A reason to be heard

So listen
And we will be heard

We have something to say
A reason to speak

So listen

It's a shout from afar
A cry from abroad
A sigh from within

We. Have. Something. To. Say.
So listen

We have something to say
So listen...softly
And we will be cleansed
We will be whole

And then it will be over
We will be heard

We will be done

For I am the voice for those caught in a trap
We will not go quietly
And we will be heard

Dabbling again…

Take another look at an earlier piece posted here as Scout plunges into a new genre: The Unspoken Language – scribingwithscout

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About the Author

Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.

Seeking to find my voice through the written word.

scribingwithscout Archives

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