First in a series on how we might find ourselves surviving the early portion of the Pandemic and our quarantined lives.

Oh, the irony of it all! For years I have struggled to find Time; Free Time, More Time, Me Time. And now, I have nothing but Time.
Time to squander, Time to sleep, Time to organize, Time to purge. There is so much Time, in fact, that often I end up wasting it, which seems a crime. Then I silently berate myself for wasting this Bonus Time which inadvertently leads to more squandering of the Valued Time!
So much for encouraging self-talk.
Yet each day I wake up, eventually get up, only to find more Idle Time mocking me with a free half-day ahead (remember, I eventually get up) to do whatever I wish. Such a vicious cycle!
While I may not be as efficient as I would like during these days of uncertainty and worry, here are a few things I discovered about the concept of Bonus Time and, given the gift of this Extra Time, how I have spent it thus far:
- As a family, we can purge like nobody’s business. Together we have purged almost every closet in the house. The problem is, during the current situation, we cannot donate (i.e., unload) the belongings (i.e., stuff) accumulated during The Great Purge anywhere because the donation sites are closed for the foreseeable future.
- I am no longer as sentimental as I used to be. The paper-Mache mask from middle school that no longer has a purpose? Gone. The ticket stubs from every museum or show we took the boys to as kids? Obsolete. Newspaper clippings of certain accomplishments throughout their lives? Recyclable.
- There is still more junk unloaded from every cabinet, drawer, and closet in the house, so I am left with the question: Why do we collect – and then keep – all this rubbish? Easily tossed.
- In addition to the junk, we have also collected an epic amount of dirt, dust, and crumbs in the 12 years we have lived in this house. Every. Single. Nook. And cranny. Current state: Obsessed with cleanliness.
- Five weeks into the pandemic, I have not found a selfish way to utilize this Bonus Time. I have plenty of “fun” activities I would like to undertake but don’t allow myself the Leisure Time. (Get back to me in August for an update on this Leisure Time. The tides may turn by then.)
Yes, I’ve had my Pajama Day, but I spent that particular day cleaning out the aforementioned closets. The only reason I was still in my pajamas at 4 pm was because I couldn’t tear myself away from the Great Purge surrounding me, not because I was curled up on the couch with a good book.
Yes, I’ve had plenty of Sleep in Days, Stay Up Late Nights, and Catch up with Friends Zoom chats, and yes those are mostly Me Time during Leisure Time that I create yet they are not as productive, considering that most of this time has been influenced in some regard by a glass of wine – or two.
Which I suppose brings me to my point, if I even had one. Take this Pandemic Time and treat it like you may never have this chance again. Find the Time to do what you want to do, or what you need to do to get through each day. It may not be cleaning or purging but rather a Zoom chat with friends over a glass of wine, and that Time is Precious Time too.
Now is THE Time to allow yourself to flounder or wallow…or be productive. Whatever gets you through the day, and with no apologies attached.
One day this quarantine will be over, and you might just wish you had some of this Free Time back. Enjoy it while you can. I give you permission.
Click on the link below for a memory and a reminder to make the most of This Time.
6 comments On How a Pandemic Effects Our Day to Day Lives
AMAZING! So spot on!
yep!! you nailed it. Wasted time , tired because there’s more unproductive time, but i just wish this time would pass-so we can get back to our “good times” before too long.
So. Spot. On. Girlfriend.
Is it just me, or do you ever find that “me” time isn’t REALLY fully “yours”??!
Another great piece, Jack!
Off to have a glass of wine…or two. Cheers!!
You’re so right! If we have our health and time, we’re lucky! Cleared out closets? Bonus!
Hi Jackie!
As always, your writing is spot on. For the first two weeks I felt adrift with no motivation to do anything but worry about how this will all turn out. I came to the same realization that you did: there is no sin in enjoying ( as much as possible) this time and feeling grateful for all that we have.
Love and miss you,
Jackie, I chuckle as I read point #2. As parents we are always looking for ways to give our kids a “head start” and with that in mind why would I not do that with “clutter”? Yes, while not anticipating I would ever have this much time to ‘get caught up’, I planned my great purge around their move out days. All the clippings of accomplishments, Broadway tickets and show booklets, airline tickets and destination maps, and paper scrapbooks (ok maybe more inventory of pictures, stickers and pages versus completed books) will all be recycled as you say when they leave. Giving them a head start in the clutter arena. While my daughter has graciously helped me organize my clutter, after one game closet and some yard work were completed, her words to me were “my kids will not have toys and games and my home will have two trees and no bushes”.
Grey Goose
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About the Author
Mother of two boys, house manager, ex-chauffeur, organizer of all things, pet proprietor.
Seeking to find my voice through the written word.
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